Our team

Chef Jaroslav Bachleda

My life has been closely linked to gastronomy since childhood, as I come from a culinary family. As a child, I liked to help my mother with baking, my father was a long-time chef in Tatra hotels. At work, it is known that I pride myself on order, cleanliness and organisation. Even at home, I store yoghurt in the fridge according to the expiration date.

For seven years I worked in Germany in Frankfurt am Main, where I started as a chef de partie in Mexican cuisine, then in classic modern German cuisine and last year in a steak house in Munich. After returning home, I started cooking at Hotel Lomnica in 2016.

I began the work of chef de partie under the leadership of the chef. From the summer of 2019, I was given the opportunity to lead the main kitchen and worked as a Head chef until the spring of 2023. Subsequently, I felt that I needed a change and wanted to cook more, so I have moved to Kuszmann’s bazár as Head chef, where I now run the kitchen of the PaB restaurant.

Operations manager Marián Zeman

Since graduating from the Otto Bruckner Hotel Academy in Kežmarok in the department of regional tourism management, my professional career has been closely linked to services and gastronomy in the tatra region.

Before moving to Kuszmánnov Bazar, I worked for 7 years in a bar in Poprad, where I worked my way up from the position of waiter in a relatively short time to the position of operations manager, from which I was honored to be directly part of the overall management of the company and its expansion. From this position, I was involved in setting up processes both in established and new operations.

Since the bar world is not only about fancy drinks but also about well-drafted, high-quality and tasty beer, I decided to put my experience to good use and thus accepted the challenge in a newly emerging business under Lomnický peak. The concept of a craft brewery right under the Tatra Mountains thrilled me, and together with the top cuisine of our chef Jaro Bachleda, it creates a pleasant environment and atmosphere that people come to enjoy again and again. For me, the beginning of my journey was traditionally spent behind the tap and taking care of our beer as the head tapman. I currently work in the position of operations manager where, together with teams of people, we take care of the smooth running of not only the PaB restaurant, but also the network of stores with products from our artisan bakery and pastry shop, as well as other products from our company’s portfolio.

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Tak toto musíš skúsiť! 🤩🍽️

V PaB-e máme novinku, čo ti pohladí dušu aj brucho: šťavnaté morčacie prsia s hubovou omáčkou, k tomu brutálne jemné petržlenové pyré a sladká mrkvička na doladenie. 🥕✨

Je to ľahké, voňavé a tak dobré, že sa budeš oblizovať ešte zajtra. 😋 Tak čo, kedy prídeš?

#PaB #Chuťováharmónia #JedloPreDušu #MusíšOchutnať
Prajeme vám parádny nový rok plný výborného jedla v tej správnej spoločnosti ✌🏻🍻 Ďakujeme za rok plný zážitkov.
Chuť na burger? 🍔 Čakáme vás v najlepšom PaB-e v Tatrách. Tak zaskočte z lyží rovno k nám na vyhrievanú terasu a privítajme nový rok spoločne✌🏻
Večer plný skvelej spoločnosti a ešte lepšieho jedla jedine v PaB-e! 🍴
Vybehnite do Tatier na parádne menučko 🤩 či už ste domáci alebo turista.
Páčilo sa vám u nás? Dajte nám o tom vedieť 😉 Práve vďaka feedbacku od vás sa vieme a chceme neustále zlepšovať. 

Venujte 5 minút svojho času napísaniu recenzie na Tripadvisore a my jedného z vás odmeníme posledný deň v roku poukazom v hodnote 50€ na obed či večeru u nás. 🤪🍀

- follow na @pab_kuszmannovbazar 
- recenzia na Tripadvisor (Reštaurácia PaB - Kuszmannov Bazár)

Odkaz na náš profil na Tripadvisore nájdete aj v našom BIO. V hre budú všetky recenzie napísané od dnešného dňa do 31.12.2024.

Táto súťaž nie je nijako organizovaná ani spojená s Instagramom. Kompletné pravidlá súťaže nájdete na našom webe. Držíme palce 😉