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Chef Jaroslav Bachleda

My life has been closely linked to gastronomy since childhood, as I come from a culinary family. As a child, I liked to help my mother with baking, my father was a long-time chef in Tatra hotels. At work, it is known that I pride myself on order, cleanliness and organisation. Even at home, I store yoghurt in the fridge according to the expiration date.

For seven years I worked in Germany in Frankfurt am Main, where I started as a chef de partie in Mexican cuisine, then in classic modern German cuisine and last year in a steak house in Munich. After returning home, I started cooking at Hotel Lomnica in 2016.

I began the work of chef de partie under the leadership of the chef. From the summer of 2019, I was given the opportunity to lead the main kitchen and worked as a Head chef until the spring of 2023. Subsequently, I felt that I needed a change and wanted to cook more, so I have moved to Kuszmann’s bazár as Head chef, where I now run the kitchen of the PaB restaurant.

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🍺 Príďte sa schladiť do Tatranskej Lomnice, kde čapujeme remeselné pivo z pivovaru Pálffy Brauerei. 🍻

#beer #kuszmannovbazar #hightatras #tatry #tasty #beeroclock #beertime
❤️🎤V našom PaB-e [pub]-e zažijete opäť raz poriadne divokú jazdu. @nasratazena a @candikky spolu #bezhanby rozlúsknu bežné starosti obyčajných žien na live nahrávaní svojho podcastu. Príďte pokecať o (ne)šťastne zlomených srdciach, trapasoch našich každodenných aj o všetkom, o čom ste sa doteraz hanbili rozprávať.

Počet miest je limitovaný, tak neváhajte a príďte si #bezhanby užiť dobré pitie, jedlo a zábavu s Divokou jazdou.

#live #podcast #vysoketatry #kuszmannovbazar #hightatras #ladiesnight #evening #sepetember @divokajazda

Leto je tu a s ním aj nové menu v reštaurácii PaB. @jaroslavbachleda pre vás pripravil slovenské leto na tanieri. 

#hightatras #highlights #kuszmannovbazar #slovakia #newmenu #culinaryart #gastroart #summer #pab #pub #beer #food #foodporn #culinary #culinaryarts
Máme tu nejakých nadšencov futbalu?⚽

V PaB [pub]-e to bude žiť! Vezmi kamošov a príďte spolu podporiť Slovenský tím 🇸🇰 už zajtra 21.6.2024 o 15:00, v zápase s Ukrajinou 🇺🇦. 

Reštaurácia PaB sa premení na futbalové ihrisko, na ktorom Vás čaká skvelá atmosféra, výborne jedlo a exkluzívne remeselné pivo z pivovaru Pálffy Brauerei 🍻.

Tešíme sa na Vás!

#pabkuszmannovbazar #kuszmannovbazar #tatranskalomnica #beer #friday #drinkbeer #footballmatch #2024 #livestream #livefootball #highttatras