About PaB

Experience of good food, tasty beer and inviting space.

The food we prepare for you in the restaurant has its roots and history. We’re not inventing a new wheel. We took aim at recipes from Austria-Hungary, which are not dull at all. Thanks to the large area of the former monarchy, various ingredients, customs and traditions were mixed here – it would be a shame not to make use of it.

Where great beer is draught, goulash should not be missing.

Just right, in our case made of pork cheeks and bread dumplings. Or langosh, with garlic cheese, fatback and black pepper. Enough reading, food should not be written about, food should be cooked and then eaten with pleasure.

But there is something else. The specialty of PaB [pub] is beer custard cake. Fine-tuned to the last detail. It is appraised not only by ladies. Having one bite is a hundred times better than one time reading.

Dark or light, delicate or full of flavour.

Something special and popular in Slovakia goes well with traditional food. That is why we decided to draw craft beers from the Pálffy Brauerei brewery from the Pálffy Manor House in Svätý Jur in our restaurant.

Their godparents are none other than members of the Habsburg family. Dark or light, delicate or full of flavour. Believe us, there is something to craft beers and they are definitely worth tasting.

Dark or light, delicate or full of flavour.

Something special and popular in Slovakia goes well with traditional food. That is why we decided to draw craft beers from the Pálffy Brauerei brewery from the Pálffy Manor House in Svätý Jur in our restaurant.

Their godparents are none other than members of the Habsburg family. Dark or light, delicate or full of flavour. Believe us, there is something to craft beers and they are definitely worth tasting.

Follow us on our instagram

Ako si predstavujete dokonalý obed? My takto! Slnko nad hlavou a jedlo z nového menu od @jaroslavbachleda na tanieri 💫🫶🏻 

Pri návšteve Tatier nezabudnite na povinnú zastávku v našom najlepšom PaB-e v Tatrách. #pab #restaurant #novemenu #slovenskakuchynavmodernomprevedeni #tatry #dnesjem
👨‍🍳🥩 Segedín od Jara Bachledu? To je nebo na tanieri!

Pokiaľ ste ešte neochutnali tento segedínsky guláš, treba to hneď napraviť. Kombinácia chutí a jesenná atmosféra ešte nikdy nebola takto neskutočná.🍴🍽️

👨 🍳🥩 Szegedin by Jaro Bachleda? That's heaven on a plate!

If you haven't tasted this Szegedin goulash yet, you need to fix it right now. The combination of flavors and the autumn atmosphere has never been so unreal. 🍴🍽️

#hightatras #tatry #kuszmannovbazar #goulash #summer #tatranskalomnica #food #foodlover #gourmet #foodporn #foodlover
🎉 Rodinné oslavy v PaB-e Kuszmannov Bazár 🎉

Hľadáte ideálne miesto pre vašu rodinnú oslavu? Nech už ide o narodeniny, výročie či krstiny, u nás v srdci Tatier nájdete priestor, kde sa každý okamih stane výnimočným.
✨ Pripravíme pre vás nezabudnuteľnú atmosféru, chutné jedlo a pohodlie, ktoré si vaša rodina zaslúži.

Rezervujte si svoj termín už dnes a oslávte svoje významné chvíle v čarovnom prostredí PaB Kuszmannov Bazár!

🎉 Family Celebrations at PaB Kuszmannov Bazár 🎉
Looking for the perfect place for your family celebration? Whether it's a birthday, anniversary, or christening, our cozy space in the heart of the Tatras is where every moment becomes unforgettable.
✨ We’ll create a magical atmosphere, serve delicious food, and offer the comfort your family deserves.
Book your date today and celebrate your special moments in the charming surroundings of PaB Kuszmannov Bazár!

#FamilyCelebrations #EventSpace #BirthdayPartyVenue #AnniversaryCelebration #ChristeningParty #TatrasVenue #CelebrateInStyle #EventPlanning #SpecialOccasions #PaBKuszmannovBazár #HighTatras #FamilyMoments #CozyVenue #MemorableEvents #VenueRental
🥩🧄 Langoš, ktorý budeš milovať!

Nadýchané cesto, jedinečné suroviny a ruky majstrov. Langoš v PaB-e je výnimočný. Keď chceš zistiť ako, musíš ho prísť vyskúšať.

🥩🧄 Langos that you will love!

Fluffy dough, unique ingredients and the hands of masters. Langoš in PaB is exceptional. If you want to find out how, you have to come and try it.

#hightatras #tatry #kuszmannovbazar #langosh #summer #tatranskalomnica #food #foodlover #gourmet #foodporn #foodlover
🍳 Miki v PaB-e (Street Food Menu) 🍂

Koniec novembra bude patriť perfektnému spojeniu dvoch šéfkuchárov, ktorým to v kuchyni naozaj ladí na tú správnu nôtu. Jaroslav Bachleda a Mikuláš Sisák alias MIKI Streetfood vám pripravia perfektné 6-chodové streetfood menu, na ktoré len tak nezabudnete.

Uvoľnená atmosféra, pivo z Pivovaru Pálffy Brauerei ako parťák k jedlu a sprievodná aktivita počas večera, ktorá preverí vašu pozornosť a naštartuje mozgové závity.

MIKI Streetfood zaparkuje v najlepšom PaB-e v Tatrách. Buďte pri tom.

@miki_streetfood @jaroslavbachleda

#hightatras #tatry #kuszmannovbazar #tartar #summer #tatranskalomnica #food #foodlover #gourmet #foodporn #foodlover #streetfood #mikistreetfood